Information on traffic regulations in Kyrgyzstan

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If you are stopped for identification

According to the Law on Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, a causeless stop of a citizen is unacceptable. Ask police officers to introduce themselves and explain the reasons for the detention. Be polite and respectful. Never argue with police officers.

Be calm and control your words, movements and emotions. Do not argue. Ask the police to explain your rights and responsibilities.

Remember, all that is said or done by you, can be used against you.

Keep hands in sight so that police officers can see them. Do not touch the police. Do not conflict at the place of detention, just tell the police that they are wrong, and you will complain to the prosecutor's office or to the court.

Do not rush to give your assessment of the incident without careful reflection. Remember the titles, the names of police officers, the number of the car and other interesting information. Try to find witnesses. Write down everything that you remember.

You should not agree to any inspection directly from you (except for an external search (without a manual search, only visually), your car or your house without legal grounds (bringing a charge in the form of a victim's application or court decision, search warrant). The police say that they have a search warrant, but do not conduct an inspection, ask them to show this decision (the resolution is presented only in special cases when elections or elections are held in the capital or in the republic as a whole An international summit meeting, and the decree is issued jointly by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the City Hall or the city administration, otherwise the police have no right to conduct a full search, only an inspection.) In this case, you have every right to refuse a personal search by the police. Be carried out without an appropriate decision when the person is detained or imprisoned, and also if there are sufficient grounds to believe that the person in the room or in another place where the search is being carried out hides See yourself items or documents that may be relevant to the criminal case. A person's personal search is carried out only by the person of one sex with him and in the presence of witnesses and specialists of the same sex, if they participate in this investigative action.

Do not resist police officers, even if you think you are innocent, you can be detained for it. Even if you think that you are detained unreasonably, do not resist, because Resistance to the police is against the law. You can get a term for this.

If you are injured by police, you need to fix your injuries in the nearest medical institution with a compulsory explanation of the reasons and circumstances of the injury. Then contact the prosecutor's office for an official referral to the medical examination. First of all, provide yourself with the necessary medical assistance yourself or call for an ambulance team from the police.


The 4 main rules

1. Refusing to answer questions is not a crime, but refusing to respond causes suspicion among police officers. Answer the questions after submitting the documents to the police.

2. Police officers can inspect your clothes (carry out an external search); If they suspect carrying a weapon. Physically do not resist, but explain that you do not agree to any further inspection.

Z. Do not swear at the militia officers and do not run away, even if you are sure that everything that happened is a misunderstanding. This can lead to your detention. You have the right to appeal against the actions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs officer, having addressed with the complaint to the public prosecutor or to the district court.

4. Police officers can detain any citizen to establish his identity, even if the citizen does not commit an administrative offense. However, an official does not have the right to detain a citizen without any reason, if he showed at the place of detention documents proving his identity. If a police officer insists that a citizen go with him to the ROVD to verify the identity, you should obey. When detaining a minor and bringing him to the police department, immediately demand the notice of parents or legal representatives. If police officers do not satisfy this request, it is better for a minor not to answer any questions and not to sign any documents before the arrival of his relatives. Require the drawing up of a protocol of detention or registration of detention.


If you stopped traffic police

They must come to you;
Introduce yourself, name your position and rank;
Report the reason for the stop;
Stay in the car until the staff asks you to leave.

If you are detained and taken to the police station

1. You have the right not to answer questions from police officers and talk to a lawyer (parents or relatives who replace them) before you give any evidence. You can inform